My response to PPP Questionnaire from Lou-Ann

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Bonjour PPP !

Un peu de contexte :

Je suis actuellement en troisiĂšme annĂ©e de DNMADe mention graphisme Ă  l‘École SupĂ©rieure de Design de Villefontaine. J'ai rĂ©alisĂ© dans un premier temps : une enquĂȘte autour de la pratique des designers face aux enjeux actuels. Explorant la question de l'IA dans notre pratique, son intĂ©gration dans la crĂ©ation, Adobe et son monopole etc... Mais Ă©galement, en prĂ©sentant les pratiques alternatives de crĂ©ation avec des designers expĂ©rimentale, qui travaille avec la programmation, l'apprentissage automatique etc...

Ainsi dans le cadre de mon projet MADe (projet de fin d'Ă©tude), je souhaiterai dans la rĂ©alisation de mon projet vous prendre comme commanditaire fictif afin de proposer un projet cohĂ©rent avec la dĂ©marche mon enquĂȘte.

Ce formulaire ne prendra que 5 minutes de votre temps ! Merci d'avance pour votre participation.

Bouche Lou-Ann.


Hello PPP!

A bit of background:

I'm currently in my third year of a DNMADe in graphic design at the École SupĂ©rieure de Design de Villefontaine. The first thing I did was to carry out a survey on the practice of designers in the face of current challenges. Exploring the question of AI in our practice, its integration into design, Adobe and its monopoly etc... But also, by presenting alternative creative practices with experimental designers, who work with programming, machine learning etc...

As part of my MADe project (end-of-study project), I would like to take you on as a fictitious sponsor in order to propose a project that is consistent with the approach of my survey.

This form will only take 5 minutes of your time! Thank you in advance for your participation.

Bouche Lou-Ann.

Qu'est-ce qu'est PPP ? / What is PPP ?

PrePostPrint has a semi-official description on its website, but let me formulate what I think PPP is :). PPP operates as a network of networks of (mainly) artists and designers who work on publications and other graphic media and do so with free software. The network has strong entanglements in France, Belgium and the Netherlands, but spreads out beyond those countries to Germany, Austria and Canada. It turns out, that most of the people in the network are designers who work on commissioned projects and do so with free software, or, designers who introduce this way of working through their teaching at various art schools to students. It also turns out that the main interest in the group is to produce printed matter with HTML and CSS, which some people call html2print of web-to-print, but i prefer to use the term CSS Print, following the language of the W3C.

Vous vous dĂ©crivez comme Ă©tant un collectif et un site Web visant Ă  promouvoir des objets et des ressources graphiques alternatives (expĂ©rimentation, utilisation de logiciel libre, documenter...). Qu'elles ont Ă©tĂ© vos motivations pour crĂ©er ce collectif ? / What motivated you to create this collective?

I did not really create this collective :), but the motivation to engage with PPP for me was to find an environment for conversations and exchange with people who work with the same or similar tools, to explore how these tools shape practices and how these practices could shape the tools again. PPP is for me a way to not work in isolation, to have a place where I can offer or ask for support, to get into conversation with the people who make the tools I work with (Paged.js in particularly), and to travel every now and then to meet each other in person and have a good time.

Pensez-vous que ces pratiques alternatives sont restreints Ă  un un cercle restreint de designers initiĂ©s ? (Ce qui pourrait expliquer pourquoi elles ne sont pas autant dĂ©velopper que d’autres pratiques) / Do you think that these alternative practices are restricted to a small circle of initiated designers?

This is a really good question! I personally would not use the visual metaphor of a circle, but rather use the phrase "network of networks" to describe how knowledge and tools can spread and how people can join and engage with these practices. I like how the phrase "network of networks" has something open ended in itself, that does not require a form of organisation that has just one single center point, but instead operates across many different center points. It is for me, however, important to still work on a small and intimate scale, with just a few other peers, to work closely together on ideas, reflect on projects together, and formulate specific research questions. So yes, I think how these practices work for me, is both on a small intimate scale AND wider networked scale.

Est-ce que vous pensez qu'en France, ces alternatives de créations sont peu mise en avant (contrairement à certains pays européens)

Est-ce que vous voulez que les pratiques alternatives restent quelque chose d'intimiste ? ou plutĂŽt quelque chose d'ouvert et qui touche plus de designers ? / Do you want alternative practices to remain something intimate? Or do you want them to be more open and reach out to more designers?

I think I already answered this one above.

Pour mon projets MADe, je vous ai choisi comme Ă©tant mon commanditaire fictif. Quels sont vos besoins actuels ? (initier avec des workshops, faire dĂ©couvrir par le bias d'exposition, festival prĂ©sentant et permettant d'ouvrir la discussion avec des crĂ©ateurs ?) / For my MADe project, I have chosen you as my fictitious sponsor. What are your current needs? (initiating with workshops, introducing through exhibitions, festivals presenting and opening up discussions with creators?)

What do mean with "fictitious sponsor"?

Est-ce que votre but est de faire dĂ©couvrir et piquer la curiositĂ© des designers pour qu'ils repensent leurs pratiques ? / Is your aim to get designers to discover new things and pique their curiosity, so that they can rethink their practices?

Yes, pedagogical space is very important in these practices and for me is a personal motivation to keep doing it. To me, this practice is a research practice, in which reflection, curiosity and experimentation bring me to different questions, tools and ways to work together with others.

Est-ce que la pratique alternative reste de l'ordre de la recherche ? Est-ce compliquĂ© Ă  mettre en place dans un systĂšme de commande ? / Is alternative practice still research? Is it complicated to implement in a order ?

As long as our tools are not in public hands, there is an external urgency to explore and formulate research how digital tools could be developed and practiced otherwise.

Est-ce que vous ciblez un profil en particulier (Ă©tudiants, jeunes designers, designers expĂ©rimentĂ©s...) ? / Do you target a particular profile (students, young designers, experienced designers, etc.) ?

See first question, I think I answered this there.

Merci d'avoir rĂ©pondu ! Si vous avez d'autres choses Ă  rajouter qui alimenterai ma recherche de projet, c'est ici :) : / Thank you for responding! If you have anything else to add to my project search, it's here :) :

Thanks for these questions! It would be great to hear what you worked on once it is finished, please share it!