PdfCSS:APRJA Minor Tech

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Revision as of 12:26, 21 June 2023 by Simoon (talk | contribs)
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@charset "utf-8"; 

@import url("https://cc.vvvvvvaria.org/fonts/velvetyne/happy-times-at-the-IKOB/stylesheet.css");

    --first-heading-size: 36px;
    --first-heading-line-height: calc(var(--line-height)*2); 
    --second-heading-size: 21px;
    --second-heading-line-height: calc(var(--line-height)*1.5);
    --body-font: var(--author-font);
    --heading-font: var(--author-font);
    --author-font: "happy-times-regular", serif;
    --line-height: 21px;
    --body-size: 15px;
    --small-text: 12px;
    --accent-color: #2A9277;


/*------------------page rules */

    size: 210mm 297mm portrait;
    /*margin: 100px 100px 90px 90px;*/
    margin: 80px;

    font-family: var(--heading-font);

        content: "APRJA Volume 12, Issue 1, 2023";
        color: var(--accent-color);

        content: counter(page);
    font-family: var(--heading-font);

    @top-right {
        /*content: element(titleRunning);*/
        content: string(title);
        color: var(--accent-color);
        text-overflow: ellipsis;

        content: counter(page);
    background-color: var(--accent-color);

    @top-right {
        content: none;

/*-----------------cover */

div#cover {
    break-after: always;

div#cover-title p{
    font-size: var(--first-heading-size);
    font-weight: 400;
    line-height: var(--first-heading-line-height);
    font-family: var(--heading-font);
    padding-bottom: var(--first-heading-size);
    margin-top: 0;

    font-size: var(--second-heading-size);
    font-family: var(--body-font);
    line-height: var(--second-heading-line-height);

/*-----------------articles */
    hyphens: auto;
    line-height: var(--line-height);
    font-family: var(--body-font);

    break-after: always;

div.article p,
div.article h2{
    /*columns: 2;
    column-fill: auto;*/
    overflow-wrap: break-word;
    hyphens: auto;
    font-size: var(--body-size);
    font-family: var(--body-font);
    line-height: var(--line-height);

/* text indent paragraphs  <-- hard to get this to work well, so commenting out for now
div.article p{
    display: block;
    text-indent: 1em;
div.article p:nth-of-type(2),
blockquote p{
    text-indent: 0;

blockquote {
    border-left: 2px solid grey;
    padding-left: var(--line-height);

/*----article author*/
div.article h1 {
    color: var(--accent-color);
    font-weight: 400;
    font-size: var(--first-heading-size);
    line-height: var(--first-heading-line-height);
    font-family: var(--heading-font);
    padding-bottom: var(--first-heading-size);
    margin-top: 0;
    columns: 1;
    width: 75%;

/*----article title*/
div.article > h1+h1{
    color: var(--accent-color);
/*    font-size: var(--first-heading-size);
    line-height: var(--first-heading-line-height);
    font-family: var(--heading-font);*/
    padding-bottom: var(--first-heading-size);
    margin-top: 0;
    text-transform: uppercase;
    /*position: running(titleRunning);*/
    string-set: title content(text);
    break-after: always;

div.article > h2 {
    font-family: var(--heading-font);
    font-style: italic;
    font-size: var(--second-heading-size);
    line-height: var(--second-heading-line-height);
    font-weight: 400;

/*----prevent sup, sub from interfering with baseline*/

sup {
  font-size: 75%;
  line-height: 0;
  position: relative;
  vertical-align: baseline;

sup {
  top: -0.5em;

sub {
  bottom: -0.25em;

/*----------------manual page and column breaks*/

div.page-break {
    break-after: always;

/*---------------colophon, contributors, editorial*/

div#colophon {
    width: 100%;
    break-before: always;
    break-after: always;

div#contributors {


div#editorial h1{

/*----------------table of contents */

li.toclevel-1 {
    list-style-type: "\1F4A7";

li.toclevel-2, span.tocnumber {

h2#mw-toc-heading {
    color: var(--accent-color);
    font-size: var(--first-heading-size);
    line-height: var(--first-heading-line-height);
    font-family: var(--heading-font);
    margin-top: 0;
    font-weight: 400;

/*-----------------images */

div.article img{
    /* width: 642px; <-- 642 is the limit, but still too wide & some images break the PDF */
    width: 400px;
    height: auto;

/* perhaps this doesn't work so commenting out for now */
div.two-column-span-img > figure{
    float-reference: page; 
    float: top;
    width: 100%;

div.thumbinner {
    width: 100%;

div#aprja-logo img{
    width: 80px;
    height: auto;

/*-----------------image captions */

div.thumbcaption {
    font-size: var(--small-text);
    overflow-wrap: break-word;
    word-wrap: break-word;
    hyphens: auto;