MediaWiki API result

This is the HTML representation of the JSON format. HTML is good for debugging, but is unsuitable for application use.

Specify the format parameter to change the output format. To see the non-HTML representation of the JSON format, set format=json.

See the complete documentation, or the API help for more information.

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                "logid": 829,
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                "title": "Tmux",
                "pageid": 506,
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                "user": "Manetta",
                "timestamp": "2025-03-14T11:22:30Z",
                "comment": "Created page with \"first change to a shared user   $ sudo su friend  then one person makes a new session:   $ tmux new  and the others attach to it:   $ tmux attach  to detach:   $ tmux detach\""
                "logid": 828,
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                "title": "File:Bulletin-6-0.jpg",
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                "timestamp": "2025-02-28T15:40:30Z",
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                "type": "upload",
                "action": "upload",
                "user": "Manetta",
                "timestamp": "2025-02-28T15:40:30Z",
                "comment": ""
                "logid": 826,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Serving from your home folder on nginx",
                "pageid": 504,
                "logpage": 503,
                "params": {
                    "target_ns": 0,
                    "target_title": "Howtos/Serving from your home folder on nginx"
                "type": "move",
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                "user": "Manetta",
                "timestamp": "2025-02-14T14:53:19Z",
                "comment": ""
                "logid": 825,
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                "title": "Serving from your home folder on nginx",
                "pageid": 504,
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                "type": "create",
                "action": "create",
                "user": "Manetta",
                "timestamp": "2025-02-14T14:53:07Z",
                "comment": "Created page with \" location ~ ^/~(.+?)(/.*)?$ {      alias /home/$1/public_html$2;      index index.html;  }\""
                "logid": 824,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Changing terminal background color when SSH-ing",
                "pageid": 502,
                "logpage": 499,
                "params": {
                    "target_ns": 0,
                    "target_title": "Howtos/Changing terminal background color when SSH-ing"
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                "user": "Manetta",
                "timestamp": "2025-02-14T14:52:02Z",
                "comment": ""
                "logid": 823,
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                "title": "Autoindex on nginx",
                "pageid": 501,
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                    "target_ns": 0,
                    "target_title": "Howtos/Autoindex on nginx"
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                "user": "Manetta",
                "timestamp": "2025-02-14T14:51:46Z",
                "comment": ""
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                "title": "Autoindex on nginx",
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                "type": "create",
                "action": "create",
                "user": "Manetta",
                "timestamp": "2025-02-14T14:46:05Z",
                "comment": "Created page with \"You can activate autoindex on the main server folder (<code>/var/www/html/</code>) and/or home folders (<code>~/public_html/</code>).  ==/var/www/html/==    ==~/public_html/==   location ~ ^/~(.+?)(/.*)?$ {      alias /home/$1/public_html$2;      index index.php index.html index.htm;      autoindex on; # this feature automatically lists all files in the public_html folder!  }\""
                "logid": 821,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Changing terminal background color when SSH-ing",
                "pageid": 502,
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                "type": "create",
                "action": "create",
                "user": "Manetta",
                "timestamp": "2025-02-14T14:27:13Z",
                "comment": "Created page with \"I learned this from Martino, and really like it so much.   My terminal changes color when i SSH into a machine.  For example: my terminal become 255, 255, 0 yellow when SSH-ing into CC :), matching the background color of the web page!  ==~/.bashrc==  First open your bashrc file:   $ nano ~/.bashrc  Then add this at the bottom of the file:   # Changing background color of terminal when using SSH  function ssh(){    BG=$(xtermcontrol --get-bg)    $(which ssh) \"$@\"    xter...\""
                "logid": 820,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Howtos",
                "pageid": 498,
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                "params": {},
                "type": "create",
                "action": "create",
                "user": "Manetta",
                "timestamp": "2025-02-14T14:18:22Z",
                "comment": "Created page with \"* [[changing terminal background color when SSH-ing]]\""