In order to use Collletttivo typefaces on your website, you will need to: #1 Upload the .woff2 files to your web server (or .woff2 in case of a variable version of the typeface) #2 In your site’s CSS file, add an @font-face rule, similar to this: @font-face { font-family: "FONT NAME"; src: url("[directory_folder]/FILE_NAME.woff2") format("woff2"); } #3 Now that you have defined a font-face rule, you can call it anywhere else in your CSS, like so: h1 { font-family: "FONT NAME"; } IMPORTANT NOTICE: we DO NOT offer a webfont hosting service, please do not reference the font files on our server when declaring font-face rules on your website. Files might change name and directory over time, breaking your font-face rules.