Installing... creative crowd [Varia]
Installing... Toward a Minor Tech environment [CSNI, DARC, SHAPE]
Installing... wiki2print [Hackers & Designers, Constant/TITiPI, Volumetric Regimes, ...]
Installing... MediaWiki [1.39.0]
Installing... etherpad-lite [1.8.18]
Re-turning... wiki2print --> wiki-printing(?) [0.0.0]
Installing... octomode dual license [0.0.0]
Installing... octomode [capacity check-in system]
Publishing... wiki-to-print code [in continuation of many]
Renaming..... "creative crowd" to "creative crowds" [*]
Publishing...  c-c-c-conditions [creative crowds collective conditions]
Discussing... Wiki-to-print, Wiki2print, Wiki-to-pdf, and so on... with Hackers & Designers
Co-creating.. a next edition of the research newspaper: Content/Form with Servpub [13]
Chewing on... wiki materiality, contributing to Servpub [2024/25]

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Welcome to the CC server!

CC (creative crowds) is a shared server for FLOSS publishing experiments to explore how different ways of working are shaped by (and shape) different realities. CC is currently maintained by Simon Browne and Manetta Berends from Rotterdam (NL).

We think about CC as a pedagogical space in flux. It's a production environment (to produce collective publications), a (re)learning environment (to document, read, write and execute) and an explorative environment (to experiment with publishing workflows). We come from a background in design and we have made many PDFs and printed matter. From a desire to question our toolsets, training and ways of working, we felt that we needed a space to cross many types of (other) knowledges: serving, designing, publishing, tool-making, prototyping, software-studies, theory, and more.

Here are our CC-collective conditions for use + collective calendar.

Currently installed on CC: